Sunday, January 27, 2008

Setup hotmail in your thunderbird under UBUNTU

You needn't login hotmail to check your new mails (maybe spam) now. Webmail extension is born for it. Webmail supported not only for hotmail, even more, check here:

Under ubuntu to setup webmail is so simple. Go to the homepage of webmail, download the extension of webmail, and the component for hotmail. Then install them into your thunderbird.

Restart your thunderbird, what for? You knows it ;)

Go to the preference and change all of port number here bigger than 1024. Restart thunderbird again...

Now, open the menu: File->New->Account, Select "Web Mail" to continue. Follow the wizard and supply what it wants. Don't forget that, your incoming name is your full domain email address.

After that, open the preference of "hotmail component" in your addons. You can see your fresh new account here. Check on the "WebDAV", then everything should be fine. Fetch your mails and have fun.

1 comment:

Rockee said...

It's a relief to be set free from the huge/ugly javascripts of